Get Involved

How You Can
Support POAT
The Police Officer Assistance Trust (P.O.A.T.) was founded under the auspices of the Miami-Dade County Association of Chiefs of Police in 1989 as a support organization for the law enforcement community and their families in times of need. This need is most often financial, but extends to other areas as well. POAT offers assistance to all sworn officers in Miami-Dade County from federal, state, county, and municipal agencies.
POAT has provided over 1000 officers with more than $8 million in assistance. Your contribution makes these efforts possible!
The Police Officer Assistance Trust is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Please consult your tax advisor regarding specific questions about your deductions.
Our financial information is available at:
Other ways to help
POAT does not solicit funds by telephone. Should you ever receive a telephone solicitation on behalf of POAT, get as much information as you can from the caller and notify our office immediately.
How you can help
Your donations are always welcome
The individuals, businesses, and organizations whose contributions have made POAT’s progress possible are greatly appreciated.