Law Enforcement Officers Memorial
A Tribute to
Heroism and Sacrifice
The Law Enforcement Officers Memorial was established in 1980 to honor fallen officers from every police department and law enforcement agency within Miami-Dade County. The original triple granite structure was unveiled in May 1981, and remains an integral part of the site.
In 2001, four black granite walls were erected; etched with the names of the gallant men and women who died serving the citizens of their community. The Police Officer Assistance Trust is responsible for the care and preservation of the Memorial and has sworn to safeguard the memory of each officer lost in the line of duty. Today, 169 names grace these hallowed walls.
Wall of Honor Application

Honor and Service
Service Legacy Bricks
Part of the walkway around the monuments is comprised of Service Legacy Bricks, which honor both sworn and non-sworn personnel who have honorably served and retired (or are soon retiring) from any federal, state, or local law enforcement agency in Miami-Dade County and are vested with their department. Service Legacy Bricks are red bricks with the retiree’s name, department, year retired, and years of service engraved on it. For a $50.00 donation, qualified applicants may purchase a brick for the walkway, and for an additional $25.00 donation, a second brick may be purchased as a keepsake along with a nice certificate with the same verbiage as on the brick. We are now offering a Service Legacy Brick for the canines who have faithfully served our community.
Service Legacy Bricks Forms

Never Forget
Tribute to 9/11
Two five-foot high towers were added to the site in 2002 to commemorate the law enforcement officers who were killed at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. The Trust holds an annual ceremony to honor those who perished on that tragic day.
Man’s Best Friend
K-9 Memorial
The Miami-Dade K-9 Memorial was dedicated on August 14, 2009 at Tropical Park to memorialize and honor all of the police canines including the eight that died serving the citizens of Miami-Dade County. These eight canines memorialized on the wall of honor were inducted by the K-9’s partner/handler or a designated representative. The love, pleasure and enjoyment the police K-9 brings to his partner, the police officer, will never be able to be put into words. The bond between a police officer and his K-9 partner can only be understood if you have lived it, as so many K-9 officers have. The police canines do in fact serve man who serves mankind. May all of our loyal K-9 partners rest in peace.
K-9 Wall of Honor Application

How you can help
Your donations are always welcome
The individuals, businesses, and organizations whose contributions have made POAT’s progress possible are greatly appreciated.