Operation: Support Our Wounded Warriors
Beyond “Protect and Serve”
Supporting Our Military Heroes

Since 2007
Extending Our Support to Assist Our Wounded Warriors
In 2007, Miami-Dade Police Department Director Robert Parker approved Operation: Support Our Wounded Warriors. He, along with other members of the Department, wanted to extended the community involvement past the “Protect and Serve” aspect and recognize the desire of law enforcement to support our military heroes by establishing a program where they can be a means to that end.
The Miami-Dade Police Department’s goals are to have a departmental military liaison make contact with identified wounded warriors in our community and assess areas of concern that can be addressed with the direct assistance of County agencies at their disposal. In addition, the Department sponsors recognition events within the community and provides informational website links for programs of interest.
The Police Officer Assistance Trust became involved as a conduit for the donations and coordination of various events held to honor these wounded vets. Through the help of a liaison in the Veteran’s Administration, several fundraisers have been held throughout the years to cover certain expenses. The South Florida sports franchises recognize the veterans’ vital roles in our freedom and have treated these brave men and women to suites at baseball, hockey and football games. Many were special guests at the 2010 Super Bowl game. The POAT has been instrumental in providing several vets with refurbished M-1 Garands. POAT volunteers have again offered their time and resources to show our military that their sacrifice is appreciated by all in the law enforcement community.
Application for Benefits
If you are or know any wounded vets, please encourage them to fill out the wounded warrior registration form so that we can make sure they are able to participate in planned events held in their honor.
Wounded Warriors Family Support Website
How you can help
Your donations are always welcome
The individuals, businesses, and organizations whose contributions have made POAT’s progress possible are greatly appreciated.